Week 1 Day 3

Run Day.

It was FREEZING out this morning. but today i pulled myself out of my warm bed and got into gear. I wore a green capri/sweat pant and a black hooded shirt to keep the cold out.

I tell you It sucked! I was cold and wheezing, i challenged myself to a good sprint at the end of it for aqn extra 45 seconds on top of my Program. At that time i thought i might die. but as i sit and enjoy my morning coffee and oatmeal(which never tasted so good) i feel energized and well.

Hurrah! Day 3 is over!
I might Run tomorrow even if it is a rest day due to tonight being Pasta night. I know every diet says Pasta= Bad but baby, its cheap and oh so tasty.

Week 1 Day 2

Today Is a rest day. Its vital for you to have rest days due to the new found exercises you are doing to your body. So today is my usual. Wake up, struggle to get footing for day pack lunch (spinach salad and rasp. dressing), did my school stuff and now am going to volunteer at a dog grooming place and head home at around 7pm. ANYWAYS! Message for you C25K beginners (like me) out there is to rest up! Tonight as i get ready for bed i will look at myself and say "Tomorrow I am going to run".

As for some discouragement...Simply stated, my program calls for at the 3ed week we celebrate 3...minutes of straight running that is. I had a hard time running the minute straight on week one! But that’s one day ago!!! I hope that by week 3 I can look back at this and say *pah! One minute! Watch me conquer 3 minutes with perfect hair!*

Week 1 Day 1

I was supposed to do my 1st run on Sunday but the weather flushed me out. I woke at 6 am this morning despite my laziness and crawled out of bed 45 mins later. It was cold in our home which is completely normal. I pulled my my iPod and stretched to the sound of joy division, turn on my iPod and ran to a podcast of couch to 5k (there are a few good ones you really should look into it) The basis of the run this morning is to get you started. So its 5 mins of brisk walk fallowed by 60 sec run-90 sec brisk walk-1 min run-90 sec brisk walk-60 sec of run-90 brisk walk. Until 30 mins is achieved.
key is when i say run i mean the jog motif. Basically its a tad bit faster then your brisk walk so you don't over tire yourself. run so it is comfortable.

I am so glad i didn't end up too bad, i wheezed my way through today and all i can think of is hopefully its better tomorrow.

Be proud Day 1 is over!

Training Log

This is exciting as my start day is Tomorrow ( a Sunday )! For those of you who just started reading this is the beginning of the Couch to 5k training, then we are moving to 5k to 10k. I have challenged myself t complete it in one year so March of Next year this challenge will be completed. I Hope to use as much detail as possible so maybe some of you ladies will will to try what i have some time. I would LOVE too post pictures of my "drastic" changes but I have heard horror stories about girls pictures being stolen and used for diet pill/weight loss miracle Ads.
I am going to take my time now to speak about Training Logs as i will be using my blog to do so, you can simply use a notebook, word processor, your own blogs or calendars. Whatever works for you and is simple enough to not be a chore.

Q:Why Training Logs?

A:So you can track your injury's, your time of running and your meals you had before and post your run. Thus making it simpler for you to realize what works for you. It Keeps you on Schedule and motivated!

Q:What Do I Put Into The Log?

A:Where did you run? What time did you run? What did you eat? Any discomfort? Injury? Where Did you go?

Remember to K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple...Sweetie. (something I will have a load of trouble doing!)

The Couch to 5 k Plan

So you(and I) actually know what i am doing(Getting myself into). (i got this from coolrunning.com) This is Weeks 1-3! When I Get to it I hear week 3 is the ground point. Where most people give up....You...Me...we are not going to give up.

podcasts for running in Mp3

Robert Ullreys Podcast for runners (most popular)

Lestyn Lloyd's Adaptation of C25k (you add your own music to it)

Suz's C25k

Podrunner first day to 5 k

Chubby Jones

I am sure there are Tonnes More

Limber Up Baby! A Challenge!

Its a challenge!
Something small and workable.
For 5-10 Minutes Each ad Every Night. Do Stretches. They Help you relax and Sleep better. NOT to mention will be valuable for the Stretching we will endure from our Lazy Girl - 5k running!

So Every Night Before Bed Stretch!

I Challenge You! Ive Been Doing This For Weeks Now And I Feel GREAT!

A Runners Must Have List

Lucky For Us Gals, Running is simple. It Involves little equipment to become a runner or jogger. The most important tool is of course: You. The Bonuses of us becoming runners is our new found energy, better sleep and it can even boost the libido(Meee-owwww).

-A Small Mp3 Player or Music Device with your fave tunes. If you don't have a running program on it, create a playlist approx 30 mins. long. Just so you know when your exercise is done!

-Runners. No Not those trendy kicks, or the ever so hip skater shoes. A pair of Athletic Shoes (Don\t worry they are cute too!) Comfort is the ultimate when you run so make sure the shoes fit nicely and have good arch support. Training tip I Have collected is When you shop for your shoes is important (who knew?) Apparently your feet expand after lunch! So if we want to run in mornings you shop for them in the morning and if you run in evenings buy them after lunch! Expanding feet...interesting. Nobody likes blisters!

-Water Bottle. Something easy to carry and re-usable! Save your money and the environment and invest in a water filtration system.

-Good Socks. Some socks are specially for athletes. they work like those shirts and absorb moisture so it is away from the skin.I was told that its not really worth it unless your pro and lets face it. I am not.

-Running Wear. Usually Department Stores have a sporty section with work out wear. The basics is a comfortable tee,a tank with higher cut, a zipper hooded shirt that is light, runners tights,shorts and/or athletic Capri(I have a trendy pair i got for $3.00/Serious).

-Sports Bra.

- Positive Thoughts and Ambition. At the Start Its Gonna be bumpy for Us, so lets just be optimistic!)

Brand New Shoes,Jubblies and Side Tracked

Long time no write! It happens to the best of us-i have been feeling a little under the weather.But i promise i am trying to look to glamorous with my pink polka-dot box of tissues and my zebra print house coat. It looks to smashing with my red nose and cat lady hair. Its okay....be jealous.
I had planned to buckle down and start the jogging process. Luckily for me Technology has broken through! I did a little brain storming with the question: How will my personality and lifestyle fit into a fitness plan? How do i do this with the best results?

The Gist of me is I love sleeping in,i love reading and the sunshine and once i am up i am usually productive. But The best advice i heard was not even intended for me i just over heard my beloveds Father talking about running advice he gave.

So This advice could and probably does work due to the simplicity of it.
He said,"All you have to do is go to bed and say to yourself, "Okay. Tomorrow morning I am going to wake up and I am going to run." Thats all!"

I ask myself upon review what i am afraid of. Thats too simple! Due to my shameless nature I can easily say the vary thing that holds EVERY un-fit women and even man. What will i look like? Thats right we as humans are vain little creatures aren't we? I see women jog, beautiful women that look perfect jogging and they make it look ever so simple. When i jog i look like i am all over the place my hair is falling out of my pony tail, i am wheezing and i am covered in that faux pas. Thats right Sweat. Is sweat glamorous? But Indeed I need to broadcast it. This is the reason we all don't do not just jump into going to a gym or start running. I for one and too embarrassed about jiggling all over the place, bouncing round. I am not gonna lie either...I have a large...Front...Porch?
Its with that I am so easily Put Into the Next of my preparation. Sports Bras. Hey We must have a talk about the girls. We will get this over with quick and the awkwardness of talking about our jubblies can be over. I was told to get sports bras and wear them just for athletic purposes/ Another tip I reserved about our Braziers is that you should have about three. A basic Guideline I Did read and researched about was about Fit,Fabric and Fashion. Me Personally i couldn't care what it looked like. As long as i am okay to jog in it.

TIP: Do a Jumping Jack Trick When you try on your Bra. If it holds the bounce its good to go(Girls@play)

"...There are two types of sports bras: the "encapsulation version", which has molded cups and provides firm support, and the "compression' type", which flattens the breasts against the body. The experts agree that larger-breasted women are usually better off with the molded-cup models, especially those that feature minimal neck- to-navel stretch in the fabric. That said, some women find that depending on the activity they're engaging in, and the amount of vertical movement it demands, they may need to own two different types of sports bras. Ms. Sorrentino also warns women to be on the lookout for "dead bra" - the moment when the fabric loses its functionality. "If you hand wash and line dry your sports bra instead of machine handle, it will last about twice as long." she observes. On average, a machine-handled sports bra will last about six months. (Chafing, by the way, is a typical complaint of women who use sports bras, and it's a problem that can be solved in part by ensuring minimal movement of the breasts within the bra. "Those with sensitive skin might want to apply Vaseline, or, better yet, a fabric-friendly product like Bodyglide between you and your sports bra," Ms. Sorrentino suggests..."

~~~Thats A Good Site For The Bra Thing Check It out so i don't have to Copy And Paste Everything. Its irritating and leads you to think that i know about this stuff. I am just learning like you!~~~
On e Of My Friends told me i should mention that magazines (such as SELF, Chatelaine And even the infamous Cosmo) Is Sure to have articles about Sports Bras. Take My word for it I know Chatelaine Has a Good article.

Thankfully There is vary little i need for a shopping list!My friend Cole bought me cheap runners, ($12 @ local Walmart). They are light weight and have a fair ache support. They will defiantly do.

So Now We Begin. Lets Become Runners Ladies!

Positive Thinking Can Get You Far...Try it!

Baby "Steps"

So my biggest problem is not my motivation or procrastination. Money. Yea..Big Surprise!!! The girl who cant afford her own shoes doesn't have any money. Why, pray tell is it of any importance if I have money or not? Other then the obvious reasons that it makes the world go round in its corrupt way- it also pays for work out clothing, new shoes that are fitness appropriate, work out gear, gym memberships and food. Not that I am starving HA! but healthy foods are expensive! And Me? I am broke.So what can we do, us lazy girls in hopes to be fit again. What can we do to be fit that is cost effective(or in layman's terms: Cheap)?
I was thinking about this((in the winter time still)), as I lay on the mattress and My beloved came to lie next to me. He (like a wonderful attentive boyfriend)asked me what was wrong. At this I got a little misty eyed . "whats wrong?" I said softly,"Whats wrong is i am fat! I have no money, I don't like myself and i am ugly!" At this he fallowed the cue to tuck me under his hard and rested his head at my fore-head "You."He states,"You are a beautiful person, Your not fat, you are broke, but you are broke with reason." (He's Charming, but I think its half expected for men to say such things as to stay out of the proverbial dog house) I Half smile up at him, "Its just....I want to change, I want to be happy and i want to be healthy." He looked down at me and said" Well good! You want to change-" To which I interrupt(I am bad for it but have gotten better.) "Yeah, but I have no money for it." He then says simply, "Then....Run."
To which I wish to jump up and down and claim he is genius...but didn't I just stared out the window above me. in my mind echoes "Run....run.."
So My attentive darlings, Who haven't yet to discover this blog and read it. I thought how does someone-who had the fitness level of cucumber-become a runner? I figure baby steps. What better to do then beat away the winters blues then walking. Better yet a walking group. I brought it up slyly to my friend Cole. She, who was more then willing, accepted my proposal. We Started Off just moseying, then just walked and eventually we started walking faster. We walked Monday-Thursday every week. We even had a few days that we went from 6:30 at night to 9:10! Go Us! But It was still winter and I told myself Spring, I will start jogging in spring. Everyday, "I will start jogging in spring."

And So It Begins...

Everyone knows it sounds easy, I want to get healthy, I had a new years resolution that I put off till March to achieve, I don't have the time, I don't have the MONEY,I have kids to take care of, i am tired after work, I rush around enough, i am so darn busy and it goes on!
I know, I've used these excuses before. I look in the mirror each day and suck in and let out the air disappointed in myself ,yet I shrug and move on. Friends of mine who have the same problems too have made these excuses. I bet You could list 2-3 reasons why you think you cant put daily activity in your lives right now. I think you should do so, write them down on paper (as i have typed them in..), or put them in the comment box below. But Get it out. Why can't you? I say this because I am and i will admit it the biggest procrastinator. I blame my father for that behavior(although i should admit I can change as he could but we will all just....do it when we have the time to.) So- I just realized my flaw, I wasn't so busy or kept to go out and better myself, I just thought "hey, there is just something more fun/better to do!" I am almost to positive Someone out there is exactly the same as I am, right now, reading this blog entry and thinking "yeah...okay, me too Dee..."
Well Lets but it this way. You took the time out of your day to turn on your computer and sit down, maybe made a cuppa Joe and started reading some random chicks(or awesome chicks) blog about being Chubbers and wanting to change it couldn't you have done something active in that time??? I can probably bet you from the time you turned that machine on, got comfy, sipped your Joe and read to right....about.....here. You could have done 5-7 jumping jacks. But who am I to say anything...I am spending the time writing about being Chubbers.
So What do we do? Step One: Realize Our Flaws, Get out Why we think we have no time. Step Two:Find 40 Minutes a day to have just for us. Step Three: Wake Up every morning saying "Today I am Going to ____________." (Insert: Walk,Take stairs,eat salad..Whatever you think is good for you.) Step 4: Most Importantly of all, DO IT! Lets not just talk about this...lets do it.

Wish List: Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer

The Story Behind The Shoes

The Push.

It was winter. It was a Canadians Winter, almost spring.
My toes were cold, so cold i could see them becoming white, they were almost painful to move. The Plastic Grocery bag must have broken again-for i can feel the cold dampness at my arches. I will have to take a blow dryer to them again, get a new bag and tape it in. My Shoes, A Mixture of Yellow Bags and Green Bags. Black and Silver duct tape. My lace broke in the fall- i remember that i had a band shirt from a local band i was going. So i cut a long strip of black fabric and stretched the cotton. I always loved how cotton never frays- it stretches and turns in on itself. I used this as a lace for the shoes.
Label me what you will, cheap, frugal or whatever inappropriate name you may have for someone who doesn't buy new shoes where its so clear they need to. Lets Just say that i moved back here from a big city with little money and too much pride to ask family for it. I would rather suffer broken shoes and mass discomfort then to bring myself to ask money from family.
After hearing an oh so familiar noise of duct tape letting loose off the roll, i pulled the sticky tape and cut it into shreds. I found Mosaicking The tape worked best. proud of my fix and my survival skills i set my shoes in their beloved resting spot by the door and did what i always seem to do after i am done with my daily routines- watch a chick flick,read or lounge about in pj's.
Thats my life it seems. Wake up to alarm beeping. "Meep Meeep Meeep!" To Which i retort bu slamming ones palm onto alarm clock whilst head is buried within pillow. 10 minutes of weary , warmth and relaxing in softness of the pillow. Which i always found odd, when i goto sleep its the most uncomfortable bed in ones life, i toss and turn while hearing the groans of frustration of both cat (that sleeps by my side, tucked in close to my rib cage) and my Beloved- who has now turned away from me and fluffed his pillow nosily at my seeking the perfect comfort. So why is it that i am not comfortable up until i hear the sounds of the alarm ring? As i was saying: 10 Minutes later "Meeep MEEP MEEP!" (my alarm rings louder the second time around i swear it!) I groan, I turn, I breath in The cool air of our cool home.The Light Purplish blues of the morning lazily graze the inside through our giant window, beside the mattress (on the floor at that). I always envied my Beloved-he rises at the 1st ring of alarm full awake and ready. I am a snooze-aholic. I hit that snooze button as many times as i can before it is truly essential that i rise. The Next bit is my favorite part-I stumble into what poorly put together outfit i have that i feel comfortable in (there is few due to lack of esteem),run a brush through my thin, brittle hair and grab my giant cup and fill it with coffee. At this time i have mere minutes to go before i am to leave and as much as i have a dependency for coffee-we leave when we leave, and i usually don't finish my cup.
Some Juicy background information: I am enrolled into school once more- thats usually where i am the entire day Monday-Friday and currently in between jobs and searching frantically for a part-time job since my bakery gig didn't work out that great during the winter holidays.
After its the same thing, come home, make more coffee, figure out supper- prepare it so we eat by 6:30. Jump into my sweatpants(oh yeah! I went there!)my sloth cloth (a.k.a a ratty old Harvard Shirt with holes in it and the hood chopped off) and do one of the fallowing: Read Chick-Lit,Watch movies on my computer,Clean or Homework. Nothing Different.
But what -do we wonder- does this have to do with duct taped shoes, Lifestyle changes or running? In a word: Everything.
Here I am, not sleeping well, unemployed,bored,relatively unhappy with myself, impatient irritable, distant from myself and others and on top of all this "i feel fat today". However all of this is relevant, all present at that moment in time, the worst of all luck is i can't afford shoes. I look down at the ratty sneakers, the smell of which is a mix of foot and tape, and what do i see? I see exactly how I feel. Now comes the Change, the realization if you will. I have two choices. Choice one: I can stay in these shoes, i can feel bad and live an unfulfilled life. I can make everyone around me tired and upset, fill them with the tension within me. OR choice two: I can better myself and thus I can try. Try to be better,Try and be happy,Try and discover the beautiful person within me.
I Choose choice two, and i chose to bitch about the difficulties to you.
ChiRunning: A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-Free Running

I know.... But its $10.87 and worth it.